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At LOCK & enjoy! we know that Christmas is getting closer. When it comes to celebrating this long-awaited time of year, there are so many things you can do. However, they don’t allow for the opportunity to visit a city as beautiful as Seville, which is—undoubtedly—a place to celebrate the season in a way you’re bound to remember. So enjoy the Christmas in Seville with Lock & Enjoy!

Christmas in Seville with Lock & Enjoy

Now just a few weeks away from Christmas, many people are adding the final touches to their preparations. Whether that’s to spend the holiday with family or to travel, everything needs to be planned out. Last-minute rushing around is not a great idea as it comes with all sorts of issues. So, if you’re still pondering your trip to Seville, take a look at the following ideas.

The nativity scene route

There’s almost nothing that gives Christmas vibes quite like setting up a nativity scene, something that they do best in Seville. There is an entire route allocated to visiting the best creations, which are carefully prepared by multiple organisations. From the town hall to El Corte Inglés, there is a wide variety to suit every taste. For example, they have even recreated the scene using Playmobil figurines, although other designs have opted for a more artistic approach.

What’s more they don’t just recall the birth of Jesus; other Biblical scenes are also depicted. After all, religion is a key element to understanding the city and its residents. However, when you’re going to do the route, don’t forget to use one of the lockers in Seville offered by LOCK & enjoy! They are a must for a stress-free visit.

Switching on the Christmas lights

This event takes place on Avenida de la Constitución on the 2nd of December. Generally speaking, the place is packed with people ready to watch the spectacle of lights and colours. It is a way of starting up the festivities, or at least announcing that they’re coming soon. If you have time on your visit, don’t let this opportunity pass you by. After all, it only happens once a year.

Old Book Fair

Seville’s Old Book Fair runs throughout the month of December, and it stands out for several reasons. To begin with, if you’re looking for a discontinued copy, it’s a good place to find it. There are all kinds of volumes at the stalls, and there are even manuscripts for sale. This year it is celebrating its 45th edition at the Plaza Nueva, bringing together bookshops from all over the country.

To add to all of this, the fair promises a rich cultural programme. How could it not? There will be conferences, storytelling sessions and cultural routes. If you’re interested, it runs from the 17th of November and finishes on the 9th of December. Another great idea that we recommend at LOCK & enjoy!, especially if you’re an avid reader.

Christmas markets

Seville is a city that bustles with activity, but at Christmas the pace increases. A good example of this are the markets held on different streets, avenues or squares. Many of them are picturesque, offering traditional products and delicious food. There are also some themed variations, something you really need to make the festivities authentic.

Sweet Seville

If there is anything Christmas is known for, it’s the sweets—and we’re big fans at LOCK & enjoy!. From polvorones (almond shortbread) to turrón (nougat), there’s so much to choose from. But you’ll find it hard to choose in Seville because there are many traditional products made by the city’s cloistered nuns. In total, there are 34 convents that do this and are devoted to producing artisan delicacies.

In fact, there are so many and the quality is so high, that the sweets are on display at the Real Alcázar royal palace. If you visit the palace, you’ll find delicacies made using very old recipes. For generation after generation, the nuns have kept these delicious recipes a secret. So get your wallet ready and buy some delicious treats to share with friends and family.

Ice rinks

Ice skating is an activity that has become a tradition and is a great way to keep active. After stuffing yourself with sweets, there’s nothing like a little exercise to work them off. And there are lots of very good skating rinks, including in the Muelle de las Delicias, the centre of Seville, the Alameda de Hércules, las Setas or the Prado de San Sebastián. Choose the one you like the most and venture onto the ice to try out your skills.

At LOCK & enjoy! we don’t just offer a good luggage locker, we also suggest the best plans for your holidays. With Christmas just around the corner, there’s no better plan than a trip to Seville. All kinds of activities and sweet treats await you there.

Rocío Santos

Graduated in Tourism from the University of Seville, this professional has over 15 years of experience in managing tourism events. Specializing in planning and organization, she has worked in diverse environments, creating successful experiences for clients. Her combination of education and experience makes her an expert in her field.