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Here, at Lock & Enjoy, we are going to show you the reasons you should spend Christmas in Gran Canaria and enjoy an unforgetable experience. If you’re not sure where to spend Christmas, at LOCK & enjoy! we urge you to keep on reading to find out why you should choose this island.

Discover the reasons you should spend Christmas in Gran Canaria

There are plenty of reasons to choose Gran Canaria at Christmas. First of all, you should know that it is a relatively cheap tourist destination. Without a doubt, an excellent option for this time of year! What’s more, it has a very diverse hotel infrastructure for all kinds of budgets.

Not only this, it’s easy to get there, since practically all Spanish airports offer direct flights. This is because national tourism is a significant source of income for the island.

You should also know that here at LOCK & enjoy! we have lockers in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria so that you can store your belongings with the utmost confidence and safety. Place your booking with us to store your luggage at a storage facility near you.


Gran Canaria enjoys an exceptional climate, which is why it’s one of the favourite destinations among most international tourists, especially those from cold countries. The island has a tropical climate for most of the year, and the average temperature is 22ºC, meaning you can relax on the beach practically every day. This way, you can explore the gorgeous beaches in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, such as Las Canteras, La Laja, or El Confital, among others.

Can you imagine taking a dip on the 1st of January without going numb from the cold? We bet that thought made you smile! This being said, do remember that it can get a bit more chilly at night.

Nativity sand sculpture

A nativity sand sculpture? That’s right, in Las Palmas you can see it for yourself on the famous beach of Las Canteras. It’s one of the most important tourist attractions on the island. The tradition started in 2006, and it is designed by one of the best sand sculptors in the world. If you go to the island with your family at Christmas, it’s a great opportunity to visit this scenic museum. In our opinion, it’s a true work of art.

We’d also like to mention that the money collected goes towards social causes. In 2022, for example, a total of €250,000 was raised.


The Christmas markets are also a must-see during your visit to Gran Canaria. Both in the capital and in the smaller towns, a wide range of options are available:

  • Gastro Norte Festival: This event that showcases local products is held in the town of Firgas.
  • “Teror en Navidad” family fair (Las Palmas): This is an artisan fair with a wide variety of products, such as sweets, baked goods, cheese, etc.


In Las Palmas, you can visit the Poema del Mar aquarium, especially if you’re with your little ones. It spans across 12,000 square metres where you can see up to 35 different aquatic ecosystems.

Here you’ll discover what life is like in the ocean as well as hundreds of marine species. It comes as no surprise that it attracts a multitude of visitors each year. Reckon you’ll be next?


Gran Canaria has a lot to offer in terms of cuisine, and Christmas is no different. You’ll have a varied selection of bars and restaurants to choose from where you can sample the island’s traditional Christmas delicacies.

Some of the most renowned dishes are “potaje canario” (a traditional stew), fish broth, or cream of pea soup. Here at LOCK & enjoy! we recommend you try potatoes with “mojo”, since it’s one of the most traditional local dishes at both the national and international level.

Christmas concerts

If you like concerts, there are several events at Christmas that are worth attending:

  • The legendary local band Los Gofiones are set to perform on the island in December. Their concerts take place in Santa Ana square in Las Palmas and entry is free.
  • Another option is the city’s symphony orchestra’s popular New Year’s concert.

Here at LOCK & enjoy!, we urge you to check out the local music scene. You’ll make unforgettable memories with your loved ones.

Hiking trails

Can you imagine hiking at Christmas? In Gran Canaria it’s possible thanks to its wonderful climate. There’s no need to go too far to enjoy these trails, since there are several interesting options in the capital’s outskirts.

For example, one of the trails starts in the neighbourhood of La Vegueta until it reaches the Viera y Clavijo botanical garden, passing through the Guiniguada ravine.

Are you ready to explore the Canary Islands at Christmas? What are you waiting for? Experience the Christmas season a different way. Book your luggage storage with us at LOCK & enjoy!

Rocío Santos

Graduated in Tourism from the University of Seville, this professional has over 15 years of experience in managing tourism events. Specializing in planning and organization, she has worked in diverse environments, creating successful experiences for clients. Her combination of education and experience makes her an expert in her field.