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Do you wan to visit Valencia and don’t know where to start? LOCK & enjoy!: all you must see in Valencia city centre. One of the areas you can’t overlook is the city centre, as several points of interest await you there. From the Plaza of the City Hall to the cathedral, you better have your walking shoes on.

LOCK & enjoy!: all you must see in Valencia city centre

Valencia is one of the largest cities in Spain. Thanks to its location on the map, at the foot of the Mediterranean, it has carried significant weight throughout history. This has lead to it having a rich architectural heritage which has continued to grow over the years. These days, its streets combine tradition with modernity.

Below, we lay out the must-see monuments for your trip around Valencia city centre.

Valencia Cathedral

Its full name is the Metropolitan Cathedral-Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady Saint Mary of Valencia. It is also known as Santo Cáliz (Saint Chalice), as, according to some studies, the Holy Grail is stored there. The present building is a mix of architectural styles, evidence of its long history. The original construction was erected over a Roman church and was later replaced with a mosque.

However, it went back to being a church, which gained the status of cathedral. Even though it is predominantly Gothic, you can find elements of Romanesque and Baroque. In addition, if you want an excellent panoramic view of the city, make sure to climb the Miguelete tower.

La Lonja de la Seda

The Silk Exchange is another Gothic building and a clear example of the city’s splendour. Built as a replacement for the old exchange due to Valencia’s economic growth, construction began in 1492. A year later, it was already finished. Perhaps it doesn’t tell you much when viewed from the outside, but its interior will fascinate you, especially the Trading Hall.

It is located near the Mercado Central and the Santos Juanes church. As such, this visit will give rise to others, which is a given in a city like Valencia.

Plaza del Ayuntamiento

The Plaza of the City Hall is an obligatory stop on your route, although it could also be the main one. It includes some special buildings, like the city hall or the Correos postal office. You can also stop to have a refreshment in the same square at one of the nearby establishments. This way, you can recover a little before continuing your journey.

Estación del Norte

The North Station was declared a Historic Artistic Monument in 1961 thanks to its design. Even though it is a train station, it features a vast number of mosaics. Among them, you can see a wide variety of vegetable motifs, with the oranges standing out as a highlight. It is an example of Art Nouveau style and was built between 1906 and 1917. This is certainly another must-see stop.

Palace of the Marqués de Dos Aguas

Given the historical case, many historians consider it the greatest exponent of Baroque in Spain. A good example of this architectural style is its facade, although that is not the only part worth seeing. These days, the palace is the González Martí National Museum of Ceramics, where many pieces are stored.

But it is not just ceramics which can be viewed here, as there is also a collection of pictorial art. You can contemplate works that range from the eighteenth century all the way to the present day. Among the renowned artists, the name Picasso stands out, another incentive to visit the palace. That being said, before you rush off to tour this and other spots in Valencia, you should store your bags in a smart locker. You won’t have to worry about a thing.

Mercado Central

It is a covered market in an impressive Art Nouveau style. Here you will find a wide variety of fresh produce, such as fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and spices. There isn’t a better place to really get to know Valencia’s agricultural produce. At the same time, you also can stop and take a break if you are tired.

Store your luggage with LOCK & enjoy!

At LOCK & enjoy!, we provide a wide variety of lockers in Valencia. This makes storing your luggage very simple. Your belongings will stay secure, allowing you to focus on your trip. The city is waiting for you to explore it, so don’t make it wait.

With LOCK & enjoy!, you will gain peace of mind by having your own luggage locker. All you have to do is choose the one closest to your hotel and put your faith in our longstanding experience. Beyond that, Valencia city centre offers you many areas of great beauty. You will learn about part of the local history while also enjoying its fine weather.

Rocío Santos

Graduated in Tourism from the University of Seville, this professional has over 15 years of experience in managing tourism events. Specializing in planning and organization, she has worked in diverse environments, creating successful experiences for clients. Her combination of education and experience makes her an expert in her field.