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At LOCK & enjoy! we want to explain what the Fallas of 2024 are going to be like. Valencia’s most important festival is coming and you have to be ready to enjoy it. Once again, the city will vibrate with fireworks, ninots and music. So, to make sure you don’t miss anything, take note of the events you have to see.


What are the Fallas of 2024 in store for us?

 The Fallas take place from the 1st to the 19th of March, just on the day of San José. Throughout the weeks, there are different events that everyone can enjoy. From the first mascletà to the Cremà, you will have a great time.

Start of the festival on 1st March

This is the first of many mascletàs that will take place over the following days. It takes place at 14:00 in the Town Hall square and is carried out by experts. If you want to get off to a good start, you can’t miss it. And in case you want more, one minute before midnight there is another firework display in the same place.

In addition, there are other days when more fireworks will be launched at night, always at 00:00 hours:

  • Saturday 2 March.
  • Friday 8th March.
  • Saturday 9th March.
  • Sunday 10th March.

Each show is unique and is performed by a specific pyrotechnic group. For example, on the 1st it will be the specialists of Pirotecnia Zaragozana. To see them, try to be there a little before the time in the Town Hall square.

Ninot Parade

The ninots are the key components of a falla. They are papier-mâché figures with a critical and mocking air, especially with whatever is in vogue at the time of their construction. Before they are burnt, some of them take part in a parade through the streets of Valencia on Saturday 2 th March from 17:30 onwards.

It is one of the most important pre-fallas events and LOCK & enjoy! will show you the itinerary:

  • It starts in the Glorieta gardens and Alfonso el Magnánimo square.
  • Then it runs along La Paz street, San Vicente street and the Town Hall square.
  • It ends in Xàtiva street.


La Cridà

 This is one of the most important celebrations, as the Cridà is the official start of the Fallas. This year it will take place on the 3rd of March from the Torres de Serranos. The Fallas Majors will be in charge of marking the starting signal together with the city authorities. They will make an invitation to the Valencians and the rest of the world to attend the festival.


Nit del Foc

 The Nit del Foc is another event that we at LOCK & enjoy! don’t want you to miss. Why? Quite simply: you won’t see such an impressive fireworks display. It’s a huge firework display that detonates in a series of elaborate sequences. Carcasas, candelas, sequins and fugaces are just a few examples.

In addition, all over the city there are street parties and concerts that you can visit. However, we recommend you to be on the Paseo de la Alameda, near the Puente de las Flores, to see the projectiles streaking across the sky. The starting time is 1am on the 18th and 19th of March.


La Cremà

 This is the act that closes the Fallas by means of fire, as it could not be otherwise. It is a moment full of emotion as the more than 800 ninots that will take part this year are burnt, except for the one pardoned by popular vote. The celebration begins at 20:00 with the burning of the children’s fallas and the rest will accompany them from 22:00.

In case you didn’t know, La Cremà is a way of saying goodbye to winter and welcoming spring. The cold leaves with the bad memories of the past year to make way for a better future. Thanks to the flames, everything you don’t want is eliminated to embrace what is to come.


Keep your things in our lockers in Valencia

To enjoy the party with peace of mind, at LOCK & enjoy! we offer you our lockers in Valencia. You can store your luggage inside a locker just for you. This way, you can focus on having a good time while your belongings remain safe. We have a wide variety of options to suit your needs. Without a doubt, we are the answer to the question “Is there a locker near me?


At LOCK & enjoy! we always want you to get to know each city in depth. And the city of Turia is one of the most beautiful, especially when it dresses up for the Fallas. The fire, the roar and the music are going to be very present, and missing it is not an option.


Rocío Santos

Graduated in Tourism from the University of Seville, this professional has over 15 years of experience in managing tourism events. Specializing in planning and organization, she has worked in diverse environments, creating successful experiences for clients. Her combination of education and experience makes her an expert in her field.