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Seville is a city full of interesting, beautiful spots such as the Alameda de Hércules. In fact, there lots of things to see in the Alameda de Hércules. If you’re visiting the capital of Andalusia, you simply can’t miss this area brimming in history, art and culture. LOCK & enjoy! is a locker service in Seville that you can trust, and we’re going to give you the lowdown on this area and its must-see sights. Shall we begin?

The Alameda de Hércules: origins and name

Today, the Alameda de Hércules is one of the epicentres of the city of Seville. However, this hasn’t always been the case. It dates from all the way back in 1574, when the garden was created in what had been the bed of the river Guadalquivir. Over 400 years of history make this the oldest public garden in Europe. No time at all!

This great masterpiece, that was to become the Sevillian aristocracy’s favourite spot to take a stroll, was built by the  Count of Barajas. It is no surprise that other cities around the world wanted to replicate its grandeur. It inspired, for instance,  the Alameda Central in Mexico City and the Alameda de los Descalzos in Lima.

And the name? It owes its name to the columns that stand sentinel at the southern entrance. Or, to be more precise, to one of the statues that stands atop one of these architectural features. This is, of course, the Roman demigod Hercules. The other statue is of Julius Caesar, both works by sculptor Diego de Pesquera. In 1764, two new columns were added to the opposite entrance. On them stand two lions holding the coats of arms of Seville and Spain.

Spots and sights you must see during your visit

The Alameda de Hércules is full of life and activity. This is a favourite spot for markets, concerts, open-air festivals, exhibitions and much more. There are also all types of shops and services including LOCK & enjoy! where you can keep your luggage if you need to during your stay in the city.

These are some of the area’s treasures. Pay attention!

Casa de las Sirenas

If you’re fascinated by historic houses, you’ll be enchanted by this beautiful nineteenth century mansion. With its obvious French influence, it takes its name from the sculptures that decorated one of its entrances. Although, we’ll let you in on a secret; they weren’t really sirens, but Egyptian sphinxes. Nowadays, this handsome building is used as a civic centre.

A tribute to flamenco

One of the main charms of the Alameda is that it was here that many flamenco legends began, including Manolo Caracol and La Niña de los Peines. The cafés and patios served as the best stages in the world for the finest talents and the magic of flamenco. Leave your luggage at LOCK & enjoy! lockers in Seville and take a stroll to explore the many monuments that pay homage to the greats of the world of flamenco.

Casa de Bécquer

Did you know that one of Spain’s greatest poets was born right here on 17 February 1836? If you enjoy literature and the arts in general, you’ll be very interested to see the birthplace of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer on Calle Conde Barajas.

Tapas bars

The Alameda distinguishes itself by being the best place in Seville to go for tapas or to enjoy a drink and soak up the wonderful atmosphere. There is a huge variety of great cafés and restaurants. Here are some of our favourites:

  • Las Columnas. Alameda de Hércules, 19. This is definitely one of the most popular spot. It’s known for its exquisite snacks such as the montadito de pringá, a type of stewed meat and sausage on bread. So how about it?
  • Arte y Sabor. Alameda de Hércules, 85. Cutting-edge, contemporary food is also on offer throughout this area and Arte y Sabor is the best place to find it. You’ll be amazed by its modern Mediterranean-inspired tapas.

LGTBI+ spots

Another of the attractions of the Alameda de Hércules is its transformation into a cutting-edge cultural mecca thanks to the influence of the LGTBI+ community. This is the reason why the area has become a hotspot for new trends and fashion in the city.

You’ll find a whole host of places frequented by the LGBTI+ community here.

  • Discoteca Ítaca (Amor de Dios, 31).
  • El Bosque Animado Café (Arias Montano, 5).
  • Men to Men Bar (Trajano, corner of Delgado, 1).

We hope that you’ve taken note of all the recommendations that we at LOCK & enjoy! have for you. The Alameda de Hércules is one of the city’s most special spots so you’ve really got to see it for yourself. Make your visit a much more enjoyable and practical experience with the LOCK & enjoy! locker service.

Rocío Santos

Graduated in Tourism from the University of Seville, this professional has over 15 years of experience in managing tourism events. Specializing in planning and organization, she has worked in diverse environments, creating successful experiences for clients. Her combination of education and experience makes her an expert in her field.