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Malaga is one of our favourite cities here at LOCK & enjoy! Its scenery, history and location on the coast of the Alboran Sea are truly surprising. Besides all its heritage sites, the Alcazaba is one of the must-see monuments of Malaga.

The Alcazaba: a blend of cultures, art and history

In Malaga, you can find traces of several cultures including Phoenician, Roman and Arabic. This should come as no surprise, as the city is one of the oldest in Europe. Because of this variety, just one visit will never be enough. If you decide to go, at LOCK & enjoy! we recommend you lose yourself in the Alcazaba.

Brief history

Archaeology has revealed that the fortress was built on the remains of an ancient Phoenician site. It’s located on a hill by the coast, a strategic spot that offers a good view of the sea. What’s more, there’s a Roman theatre at the foot of the hillside that was used as a quarry during construction. So, they used the existing stone to save on resources and labour.

The Alcazaba was built between 1057 and 1063, but underwent several alterations in the following centuries. Each culture that settled in Malaga left its mark on the building, from the Almoravids to the Nasrids and then the Christian kings.

During the final Muslim period of Nasrid, the fortress reached its peak of splendour. A number of changes were made to improve its defences and embellish the building. Thanks to these efforts, it’s in no way inferior to the Alhambra in Granada. However, despite remaining in operation after the Christian conquest, it fell into oblivion in the 17th century, only to receive renewed attention in the 20th century.

What to see in the Alcazaba

When it comes to visiting the Alcazaba, you have two options. The first is to take a lift to the top of the hill. The second is to walk up — the experience is well worth the effort. If you follow this route, you will come to an entrance that leads directly to the Plaza de Armas. Once inside, you can enjoy wonderful views over Malaga and its coastline.

Beyond the square, a beautiful garden comparable to those of the Alhambra awaits you. From this area, you can reach the Gate of the Seven Arches, which leads to the inner walled complex. Inside is the entrance to the palace, which was the former seat of the rulers. The keep is also close by for another scenic viewpoint overlooking the city.

The Roman Theatre and the Gibralfaro Castle

Near the Alcazaba you will find the Roman Theatre and Gibralfaro Castle. The first dates back to the 1st century BC and stayed active until the 3rd century BC. It was later used as a fish factory, necropolis and a quarry for the fortress. It remained neglected right up to 1951.

Meanwhile, Gibralfaro Castle was built around the Alcazaba to protect it and increase its defences. The citadels were urban defensive structures that served as the ruler’s residence. When the war against the Christian kingdoms intensified, the rulers of the Kingdom of Granada decided to improve the building to make it almost unconquerable.

Enjoy your experience with our lockers in Malaga

Visiting Malaga is an experience you cannot miss out on. At LOCK & enjoy! we want you to enjoys walking all the streets and exploring at your leisure. We provide luggage storage lockers adapted to your needs. You will have no trouble finding the right one in the city.

The lockers in Malaga are in a strategic location to make them easy to find. What’s more, your luggage will be protected at all times by advanced security systems. If you want to make a reservation, you can do it quickly on our website. At LOCK & enjoy! we want you to complete the process in the shortest time possible so you can make the most of your time in the city.

Enjoy a network of modern and smart lockers that allow you to explore the city at your own pace. Malaga must be discovered slowly to not miss its charm, both at night and during the day. Our philosophy is ‘locker nearby’.

The Alcazaba is one of the must-see monuments of Malaga

At LOCK & enjoy! we strongly recommend you visit the Alcazaba of Malaga. As you have seen, it’s a monument rich in history and beauty, located in a unique place. On its ramparts you can see the city at your feet and beyond. There’s no better place to take a photo.

Rocío Santos

Graduated in Tourism from the University of Seville, this professional has over 15 years of experience in managing tourism events. Specializing in planning and organization, she has worked in diverse environments, creating successful experiences for clients. Her combination of education and experience makes her an expert in her field.