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At LOCK & enjoy! we want to help you as you come back from your holidays. You may find it hard to get down to work after being at the beach. But don’t panic, all that is happening is quite natural and it’s called post-holiday syndrome, and there are various ways to overcome it. This way, you won’t struggle to give of your best. Discover how to overcome the return to routine with us!

What is post-holiday syndrome?

Post-holiday syndrome is a psychological and emotional phenomenon that you may experience when you return to your routine after your holidays. It is characterised by a feeling of unease, exhaustion and stress that manifests itself through different symptoms. These may include excessive tiredness, irritability, difficulty concentrating or lack of motivation.

How does this syndrome appear? It arises, among other causes, due to the abrupt transition from a period of rest and relaxation to a period of daily demands and responsibilities. During the holidays, you separate yourself from the usual stress and worries, which makes it difficult to reconnect with them. When you return, you are forced to adapt to a timetable, workload and your obligations. If this occurs in a short space of time, you may become overwhelmed and develop a strong sense of unease.

LOCK & enjoy! has four key tips to overcome this unease

Fortunately, post-holiday syndrome can be managed without suffering the worst of its consequences, such as a significant drop in your productivity. It’s not going to be as easy as finding a left-luggage office to keep your bags safe, but you have to start somewhere. After all, it pays to return to work with a good attitude. So to ensure it’s not too much of an uphill struggle, LOCK & enjoy! is reaching out with the following tips.


The main way to get back to routine is to avoid it being overwhelming. You don’t want to go from zero activity to full work capacity in just one or two days. One way to do this is to organise a gradual return to work. Start by resuming your tasks a few days earlier and deal with the simple ones so that you don’t refuse to tackle the complicated ones.

The aim of this planning is to achieve a smooth, gradual transition. This way, you will get gradually used to things as the days go by and you won’t feel such a great deal of stress. When you return to work, you will be ready to face new challenges in the best possible conditions, which is something we at LOCK & enjoy! support you in doing.

Maintain a routine

Returning to work means getting back to the routine you had left behind. You have to get up at a certain time, for example, something you haven’t done for several weeks. The shock of returning can be daunting, as you don’t want to get up early right away. To avoid this inconvenience, keep similar schedules during the holidays, if possible.

It doesn’t matter if you sleep an extra hour or two, but it is important not to fall into absolute chaos, such as getting up after midday or in the afternoon. The idea is not to change your waking habits radically. And the same applies to when you go to bed, as you will have the same problem as above. If you have been going to bed in the early hours of the morning for several weeks, try not to return to normal in just one day.

Organise your priorities

When you return, there may be a whole variety of unfinished or new tasks waiting for you. Sorting them all out will take time, effort and organisation. Make a list of what needs to be done and establish which ones are priority. This simple technique will help you recover your lost ways without becoming stressed with a list of activities organised according to their priority.

Space out the breaks

Yes, resting after returning from holiday is as important as choosing the right smart locker. With one you gain security and with the other you avoid accumulating a lot of fatigue. Try to set aside time during the day to take a break and switch off. It is the ideal time for a walk, an outdoor activity or to simply to let your mind go blank.

The key to this tip is that it aims to keep stress under control, as it can build quickly. By finding a moment of relaxation, you will be able to face the first weeks of work with ease. For example, if you stop for five minutes every hour, as instructed in the Pomodoro Technique, you can take a short break.

How to overcome the return to routine

At LOCK & enjoy! we not only offer the best lockers, we also help you as you return to work. Leaving the holidays behind is difficult, but not impossible. You just have to take it easy and get back on your feet slowly. Remember, it’s all about making the return to your responsibilities more manageable.

Manuel Rodrigues

General Manager & Co-Founder of LOCK & enjoy!, he has over 15 years of experience in leading teams and commercial projects in various multinational companies. With a traveler spirit and proven skills in human management, he is the ideal candidate to drive business development. His creative vision brings an innovative approach to the brand identity of any project.