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At LOCK & enjoy we’ll take you to the Royal Alcázar of Seville. Now that summer is here and the heat is stifling, there aren’t many places in the city which will offer you so much tranquillity and a pleasant environment to be in. If that isn’t enough for you, in this post you’ll learn about everything which is waiting for you in this building.

5 reasons to visit the Royal Alcázar of Seville in summer

Seville is a city full of charm, amazing gastronomy and friendly people. It also has a rich architectural heritage, among which the Royal Alcázar stands out. This is a jewel which was first built in 914 and has undergone all kinds of changes since then. If you haven’t decided to visit it yet, leave your belongings in our luggage locker and set off on an adventure.

Evenings in the gardens

From July to September, evening activities are organised in the Alcázar gardens. They all revolve around open-air concerts, which take place in a spectacular setting. Bear in mind that you’ll be in the oldest royal palace still in use in Europe.

The musical genres are very varied, ranging from flamenco to jazz. A total of 75 concerts are scheduled for this summer. So, if you’re visiting the city, make sure you buy a ticket to attend, as it’s a great way to get to know the centre of Seville and to escape the heat. You’ll enjoy the best music and pleasant temperatures in an exceptional location.

Dramatised visits

Another type of activity which we at LOCK & enjoy! recommend are the dramatised visits. Running since 2020, they’re performed by the Seville Classical Theatre Company. And this year will be a very special one, as we’ll commemorate the 5th Centenary of the First Round-the-World Race.

The performances run from July to the beginning of December. To see them, you have three passes available each week: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This is another way to enjoy the Alcázar, and especially its gardens, which you’ll love. If you’re coming to the city, it’s worth it, as is using a locker in Seville from LOCK & enjoy!

Experiencing history

In most cases, we discover history through books, documentaries or films which recreate a particular period. In this sense, it’s not so common for buildings to survive, so it’s highly recommended that you visit the few which have. One of the key factors which have allowed the fortress to survive to the present day is its continued use.

At first, it was a small citadel attached to the Roman city wall. Over time, however, the building grew in size and grandeur. The Almohads completely renovated it, and it continued to be used after the Christian conquest. After all, it was a fortress which could be easily exploited, and so it ended up home to palatial rooms for royalty and spectacular gardens. It’s now a World Heritage Site and the residence of the royal family when they visit Seville.

Architecture and beauty

This is one of the main reasons for visiting the Alcázar. Given its age, the building has many different architectural styles. Each period has left its mark, so you can find features of Islamic, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque art. This mixture has created a unique building which is unlike any other in Europe.

Pleasant climate and peaceful surroundings

The gardens and spacious courtyards offer you a moment of respite from the heat of Seville. Strolling through its nooks and crannies, you’ll enjoy a pleasant and very comfortable view. The high temperatures won’t be so intense, so you’ll be able to focus on your visit. What’s more, the nature invites you to relax and sit in the shade of a tree. This is a place which we at LOCK & enjoy! don’t want you to miss.

Bear in mind that the plants will be at their full glory, which is another reason to visit the Alcázar. Before you go, remember that we have lockers in Seville at your disposal where you can keep your belongings safe. So you won’t have to worry about anything except enjoying the beautiful surroundings.

These are the reasons which we at LOCK & enjoy! are giving you to visit the Royal Alcázar of Seville. It’s an architectural jewel full of charm which deserves a little of your time. And don’t forget that there’s a locker in Seville where you can keep your luggage safe.

Rocío Santos

Graduated in Tourism from the University of Seville, this professional has over 15 years of experience in managing tourism events. Specializing in planning and organization, she has worked in diverse environments, creating successful experiences for clients. Her combination of education and experience makes her an expert in her field.