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wThe success we have achieved at LOCK & enjoy! is not by chance. Over the years, we have worked to build on our strong points. We gradually developed a series of competitive advantages that we want you to know about. Thanks to these, we have been able to rapidly expand to several major cities. Don’t miss the competitive advantages of LOCK & enjoy lockers.

Five Ways LOCK & enjoy! Stands Out in the Locker Market

The locker market has experienced strong growth in the aftermath of the pandemic. Travellers are back to cities around the world and they bring a wide variety of needs with them. One of them is to storing luggage in a safe but easy-to-manage place. At LOCK & enjoy! we are committed to giving power to the user. But that’s not the only thing we excel at.

Strategic Locations

We always seek to place lockers strategically so they are easy to find and practical. Tourist sites and central locations, transport hubs and busy transit areas are some examples. Thanks to this approach, users can find lockers nearby, adapted to their needs. By carefully selecting our locations, we were able to stay a step ahead of the competition.

Easy to Use

The lockers are very easy to use. We aim to make it as easy as possible and to speed up the set-up the process. We get the premises ready with the luggage storage facilities and security system in a very short time. Besides, e use a turnkey franchise model, which simplifies the procedures as much as possible to make them streamlined.

In addition, the franchisee has our full support from the very beginning. They use a management software based on key performance indicators (KPIs). We also offer specific training provided by an experienced team with up-to-date information on the industry.

Commitment to Technology

If there is one thing that has made us stand out, it’s how we use available technology. Thanks to technology, we have developed a smart, easy-to-operate locker system. Through a web app, the user can make reservations and check what happens on the premises. Travellers can check availability from their mobile phone for total freedom and independence.

We work on automating as many functions as possible related to managing the system. This makes the franchisee’s work simple and low cost. The traveller also benefits, as they can make use of a flexible services that adapt to their circumstances. No matter where you are in the city, you can benefit from our ‘locker nearby’ philosophy. In other words, you won’t have any trouble finding a suitable locker for your needs.

Low Initial Investment

The initial investment cost is low. As we mentioned, automation allows us to reduce the cost of conventional management. The franchisee just has to find a suitable location and LOCK & enjoy! take care of the rest. In no time, you have all the necessary equipment ready to operate and get the business up and running.

There is also no need to invest heavily in advertising. The franchisee has access to a growing brand, well-positioned in search engines and social media. In this way, they can focus on maximising the return on investment, which will remain stable if the city has a steady flow of tourists. In addition, the service remains active 24 hours a day throughout the year without interruption.


Safety is an integral part of the business and we take the utmost care of it. This has led us to seek out the best suppliers to ensure the luggage remains safe. We use the quality service offered by Prosegur to monitor the establishments 24/7.

In addition to the above, the design of the lockers is robust and made of resistant materials, which further increases safety. Additionally, the password to access each locker is unique and given to the traveller during the booking process. They receive it in a confirmation email so no one else has it. On top of that, we give users a QR code to display on the premises to immediately open the locker, without any contact.

At LOCK & enjoy! we continue to develop our strengths, while reducing weaknesses. This has allowed us to expand from Seville to the rest of Spain’s main cities in barely a year. All thanks to hard work, the search for practical solutions and the development of a business model that really works. By choosing us, you will be able to get going easily and have the support of a constantly growing brand.

Manuel Rodrigues

General Manager & Co-Founder of LOCK & enjoy!, he has over 15 years of experience in leading teams and commercial projects in various multinational companies. With a traveler spirit and proven skills in human management, he is the ideal candidate to drive business development. His creative vision brings an innovative approach to the brand identity of any project.