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The city of Madrid is renowned for its extensive leisure offerings in various areas such as heritage, culture, and entertainment. For this reason, at LOCK & enjoy! we have prepared an interesting post to introduce you to the most beautiful cinemas in Madrid.

Before we tell you what they are and where they are located, we’d like to point out that we have lockers in Madrid for you to store your backpack or suitcase. One facility is in Atocha and another in Malasaña.

Cinemas You Must Not Miss

Below, we present a selection based on criteria of originality, modernity, and trendiness.

Ocine Urban Caleido

The Caleido shopping area became trendy in 2023 due to its location right below the famous Five Towers.

Close to restaurants and shops are the Ocine Urban Caleido cinemas, part of the cinema chain by the same name. If you’re looking for a new concept in cinema, this should be your choice, as it moves away from the classic cinema image.

There are a total of 6 auditoriums (one for original versions and another for 3D projections). The seats are equipped with a small table and a lamp, and they are doubles so that you can sit with your friend or partner without an armrest between you. Additionally, there’s also a USB port for charging your mobile.

The style and decoration that permeates every corner are urban and street-like. A good example are the brick walls or the graffiti.

We advise arriving a little before the movie starts and having a coffee at the magnificent bar they have before the auditoriums.

Cines Ideal

Cines Ideal could not be missing from our list, as they are a symbol of Madrid. The reason is that it is one of the oldest in the capital, located just a few meters from the famous Puerta del Sol, specifically on Doctor Cortezo Street. However, it was in decline until 2015 when the Yelmo company decided to renovate the entire space, including the façade. This has allowed it to regain the splendour it had in the 19th century.

It has a capacity to accommodate nearly 3,000 people. The mentioned renovation also allowed its auditoriums to be modernized, both in equipment and technology. Currently, the screens are of the highest quality, as are the projectors and sound systems.

Cine Doré

Cine Doré is another iconic venue as it is the oldest in the city, dating back to 1912. It is located on Santa Isabel Street, close to the city centre of Madrid. The façade and structure are the most visually striking elements, as they are of modernist art style.

The cinema has had stages of success and others of abandonment, so much so that it was closed for 26 years.

Currently, it is the headquarters of the Spanish Film Archive, belonging to the Ministry of Culture. This organization uses the cinema to project Spanish and international classics so that they can be enjoyed in their original version.

From LOCK & enjoy! we recommend you visit it to contemplate its architecture and the history that permeates each of its ornaments.

Cine Yelmo Luxury Palafox

Experiencing a true luxury and maximum comfort cinema is now possible.

Cine Palafox has created a concept of luxury that combines cinema, gastronomy, and comfort. One of its most notable features is its fully reclining seats, so much so that the viewer can lie down completely. Additionally, they have a foldable table and a button to request restaurant service, with direct and exclusive attention from a waiter.

There are a total of 7 auditoriums with 50 seats each, but they are more spaced apart than in a conventional cinema to allow greater privacy between each customer. Moreover, the style is also very striking because it predominates materials unusual in a cinema such as marble, glossy black, or gold ornaments.

Despite this cinema appearing to cater to a more select clientele, nothing could be further from the truth. The reason for the sophisticated style and exclusive services has been to reminisce about the glamour this cinema had in the 1960s as it hosted artists like Rita Hayworth or John Wayne, as well as numerous aristocrats.

Cine Capitol

If you have walked down Madrid’s Gran Vía, we are sure you have seen this cinema, as it is historic and has a very bright sign. It is another of the oldest, having been inaugurated in 1933. This cinema is integrated into the Capitol Building, also known as Carrión, another icon of the capital due to its location and appearance in numerous films.

If you prefer a vintage cinema hall, we advise you to go to this cinema, as it is a real blast from the past. Moreover, you can choose from any of the auditoriums available:

  • The main one has classic decor, as it was once a theatre. It has almost 1400 seats and 2 amphitheatres.
  • However, the others are located on the lower floor and are more modern and functional, although with many fewer seats (approximately 200).

Cines Renoir

Fancy a movie in its original version? This cinema has a total of 3 different locations: Princesa, El Retiro, and Plaza de España.

We recommend you choose the one in Princesa, as it projects productions regardless of their origin: Danish, Swedish, Arabic, etc. Additionally, all the films are subtitled in Spanish.

It is characterized by its multiculturalism, as students of very different languages come to watch films.

Which of Madrid’s most beautiful cinemas do you like the most? Book a locker in Madrid with LOCK & enjoy! and let your belongings be safe. However, if you have any doubts, you can also contact us.

Manuel Rodrigues

General Manager & Co-Founder of LOCK & enjoy!, he has over 15 years of experience in leading teams and commercial projects in various multinational companies. With a traveler spirit and proven skills in human management, he is the ideal candidate to drive business development. His creative vision brings an innovative approach to the brand identity of any project.