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The wide cultural offerings of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria are designed for you to embark on an authentic journey through art history. At LOCK & enjoy!, we encourage you to spend a unique day in the Canary capital. If you are just passing through or waiting for your evening flight, book a locker with us so you can store your luggage.

Most important Art and Cultural Centres

We, LOCK & enjoy!, suggest a list of cultural activities and centres for you to explore at your leisure.

Columbus House

The museum dedicated to the discovery of America is located in Las Palmas city centre, specifically in the historic district.

This museum features a total of 13 exhibition rooms focused on the extensive history of the Canary Islands and their historical relationship with America. If you are a history enthusiast, this is the ideal place to discover Canarian and American cultures before the arrival of Europeans.

Interestingly, this house was owned by the first governors of Gran Canaria and was also the residence of Christopher Columbus during his stops on his various journeys to America.

Admission is very affordable at only €4, with discounts available for seniors over 65 and students.

Museo Canario

This monographic museum focuses exclusively on the aboriginal population of Gran Canaria, a group of Berber origin that lived on the island until the 15th century.

The museum is divided into the following areas:

  • Permanent Exhibitions. These are always on display and cover various themes: magical and religious world, paleopathology, and funerary world, ceramic technology, etc.
  • Gran Canaria Archaeology Collection. It comprises a vast number of pieces essential for studying the pre-Hispanic Canarian society.
  • We recommend visiting the museum’s website to keep up with temporary exhibitions.

La Regenta Art Center

Open since 1987, this museum has become a reference in art and culture. The building’s architectural style is Art Deco, noted for its clarity and simplicity.

As a public institution focused on contemporary art, activities are free of charge.

We love the building’s interior, which features a large central courtyard formed by galleries. Most visitors note that the style closely resembles traditional Canarian houses. The most prominent activities are permanent and temporary exhibitions.

However, the most striking activity is the visit of students from schools for educational purposes. Additionally, there is a visual arts production space. The goal is to provide young people with a series of spaces where they can develop their inner selves through creative and inspirational activities.

Pérez Galdós House

The novelist Benito Pérez Galdós is a relevant figure for Canarians, as he was born in Las Palmas. For this reason, the city houses a museum dedicated to those who wish to learn more about the life of this historical figure.

The museum is in the house where the novelist spent his childhood and youth. The visit is particularly interesting as you can firsthand experience Canarian domestic architecture, especially the central patios.

Near his birthplace is another building that houses a study centre dedicated to him. It includes a repository of documentary collections, a research room, and spaces for conferences and courses.

You can visit this museum with a broad schedule available every day, morning and evening.

Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art

Located near the Santa Ana Cathedral, specifically in the Orange Tree Courtyard, this 17th-century cloister is a symbol of traditional Canarian style.

If you appreciate religious heritage, this museum is a must-visit. It has an important collection of sculptures, paintings, objects, etc., primarily from Canarian artists, however it also exhibits works from the Flemish school.

Atlantic Center of Modern Art (CAAM)

This cultural landmark, opened in 1989, is housed in a building that retains much of its 18th-century structure, with its central courtyard as a notable architectural feature.

The aim of its exhibitions is to showcase specifically Canarian art. Unlike other museums, CAAM also displays works related to Africa, America, and Europe.

It includes permanent rooms with pieces by well-known Canarian artists such as Manolo Millares, Genovés, or Canogar.

Remember, you can choose lockers in Las Palmas with LOCK & enjoy! to enjoy a day in the city at any of the museums we’ve talked about.

Elder Museum of Science and Technology

This center combines science and technology to create an innovative space that serves as a bridge between scientists and citizens.

Located in a building of over 4500 square meters, it features conference rooms, exhibitions, modules, and workshops. However, the most striking aspect is a greenhouse with innovative ecosystems and crops, as well as a large-format cinema hall.

Interaction is key throughout the space, allowing visitors to touch and experience.

Visit Las Palmas and embark on your cultural tour! On our website, LOCK & enjoy!, you can book the locker you need to enjoy the city, and you’ll also get discounts for booking in advance.

Rocío Santos

Graduated in Tourism from the University of Seville, this professional has over 15 years of experience in managing tourism events. Specializing in planning and organization, she has worked in diverse environments, creating successful experiences for clients. Her combination of education and experience makes her an expert in her field.